
Meet and interact with high-net-worth individuals, C-suite businesspeople and entrepreneurs.


Create numerous brand touch points with a highly engaged audience.


Connect and network with an interested community of leaders, investors and highly talented individuals.


Explore new business opportunities.


Forge invaluable global business connections.


Engage in collaborative ventures with international firms.

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Benefits Platinum Gold Silver Bronze SKN Local Welcome Cocktail
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 30 sec 20 sec 15 sec 10 sec 10 sec 15 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 100 words 100 words 80 words 60 words 60 words 80 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 2 pages 2 pages 1 page 1 page 1 page 1 page
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 4 3 2 1 1 2
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Premier Premier Standard Standard Standard Standard
TV Display 2 1
Benefits Platinum
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 30 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 100 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 2 pages
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 4
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Premier
TV Display 2
Benefits Gold
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 20 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 100 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 2 pages
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 3
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Premier
TV Display 1
Benefits Silver
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 15 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 80 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 1 page
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 2
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Standard
TV Display
Benefits Bronze
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 10 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 60 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 1 page
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 1
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Standard
TV Display
Benefits SKN Local
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 10 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 60 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 1 page
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 1
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Standard
TV Display
Benefits Welcome Cocktail
Rotating advertising video during breaks on screens 15 sec
Branding on all IGS materials and promotions
Company profie on IGS website and summit delegate book 80 words
Advertisement in summit delegate book 1 page
Delegate passes for all the IGS activities 2
Special mention in the IGS Agenda
Branding in and around the main venue
Exhibitor display for two days
Priority selection of exhibition space
Exhibition Table Standard
TV Display